Sunday, November 28, 2004

Our Cats

We have four cats: WoolyBear, Lucille, Zuzu and LittleBit. Yes, that's where my blog name comes from. It fits a lot of things and situations..."yes, I'll have a little bit", "I'll be there in a little bit", "I'm feeling a little bit better, thank you." But Little Bit got that name because she is a little bit of a cat. She was tiny when my husband got her and she never really grew big at all. I guess it would be a different story if she grew to be a 16 pound cat, we'd probably have to change her name so the other cats wouldn't laugh at her.
Lucille and Zuzu are sisters. Lucille is named after my husband's grandmother Lucille and Zuzu is named after the youngest Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life (one of my favorite movies.) They get along somewhat but keep to their territories: Lucille upstairs most of the time and Zuzu downstairs. WoolyBear is the only male and the largest cat of the four and the most friendly.
He is the perfect cat-- never growls or hisses, always ready to be petted or to play.
They are all indoor cats but Wooly and LittleBit like to go out whenever they can wedge their kitty bodies out of the back door when it's in use. It truly is like having kids... they get into trouble and we yell/talk to them like you would to children. It can get expensive having quatro cats with vet bills and food, cat toiletries, toys, etc. We love our kitties just as you would children too. They can be so comforting and fun and some of the best company. You get to be yourself with them and when they plop on the floor and look at you with those blinky eyes, you know they think that too.